Streaming Audio at work Good or Evil?
I use it a lot so I can block out other people hallway conversations, and those who insist on having long speakerphone conversations with their doors open. I have co-workers who used to have speakerphone conversations when their offices were across the hall from each other. I could hear the echo of him saying it, then it coming out of her speakerphone. If they'd spoke a little loudly they could have done without the phone entirely.
The only reason this struck me was that I waited two minutes before going to a meeting so I could finish listening to Gordon Lightfoot's Canadian Railroad Trilogy. How could I not? That man has a way of writing very long songs :P The downside to tagging Gordon Lightfoot as a favourite is that Pandora keeps trying to make me listen to other artists like Jim Croce, who I have no interest in. Pandora is the free streaming music that Ben at work pointed me to, I used to listen to either Yahoo music or trance. The adds annoyed me for Yahoo music and Pandora has more options that pure trance from
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Just finished watching a Train show, a corporate concert ... they played at a EMC corporate event that I happen to be at (EMC bought Documentum, the application I know very well). I heard from somebody in the audience that they were paid $25,000 to do the concert and they don't need to bring any of their own equipment. Nice job. They played a couple songs that I knew, then I left (yes, I left a free concert after it was halfway done).
Meet Virginia which oddly enough reminded me of An Emotional Fish song ... and I don't really remember where I heard of those guys, but I own the album (the An Emotional Fish album, not the Train album). I have to admit they knew the age of their audience because they played a cover of ramble on, sadly that was the one song I really enjoyed and hell, that song was released the same year I was born!
Most corporate events remind me of the scene from Roller Ball where the main character goes to a party for the rich corporate elite. Every time I go to one of these things (and that includes the Qualcomm Year End parties) I keep waiting for the revolution to happen and the poor to rise up and annihilate everyone. Too many bad sci-fi films in my youth.
Heh, I have to wonder why two of my references were from before I was nine.
Meet Virginia which oddly enough reminded me of An Emotional Fish song ... and I don't really remember where I heard of those guys, but I own the album (the An Emotional Fish album, not the Train album). I have to admit they knew the age of their audience because they played a cover of ramble on, sadly that was the one song I really enjoyed and hell, that song was released the same year I was born!
Most corporate events remind me of the scene from Roller Ball where the main character goes to a party for the rich corporate elite. Every time I go to one of these things (and that includes the Qualcomm Year End parties) I keep waiting for the revolution to happen and the poor to rise up and annihilate everyone. Too many bad sci-fi films in my youth.
Heh, I have to wonder why two of my references were from before I was nine.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Post From Anaheim
I now have access to the blog, bad things may happen.
I'm in Anaheim (if you couldn't figure that out from the title) for a Documentum conference. Last year it was in Las Vegas (woo!) this year it is in Anaheim (sounds of crickets). The only good thing is that I could take the motorcycle here instead of flying. One hour forty minutes of being on the bike and I find that I've stuff in my eye at 65mph (snuck under my full face helmet!) and loss of feeling in my hands. The benefit? I do love the smell of Southern California, and the ability to accelerate. By the way, for all of you thinking 'The smell of southern california?' you must come visit and get a good lungful when you get off the plan in San Diego.
Oh yeah, Disney Land is here ... and by here I mean three blocks away. I've been here three hours and if I see one more mickey mouse ballon, it's exceeded my kitch level for this year.
Good things about being in a hotel: Travel channel, and Adult Swim, and the joy of time shifting. Time shifting means that they play shows that usually end up at 1am EST at 10pm PST. Since I'm sitting in a hotel room very far away from anything interesting, I'm watching television. Isn't that what one does while doing business travel? Yes I could be checking my email and finding out the health of some of the systems I'm responsible for ... meh. The travel channel has grabbed my attention with travel to deep Indonesia and the islands of Java. I have to admit that some of the shots remind me of the cloud forest in Peru.
There was a chance of me heading off to Korea for work reasons, but that doesn't look like it is going to happen. I just found out that if I was to go I would need to do so in six days ... I'm not going to get a Visa in that short a time so it looks like it isn't going to happen. Brent (my immediate boss) has mentioned that I'll probably be able to sneak some travel in some time soon. I can wait.
A big hello out to Lincoln and Deb. They've arrived in London and they're getting all settled. Lincoln has met some VPs and Directors in Delloite and Touche. They've decided not to rent a more expensive flat near some green space because it is a little too expensive ... they're so self-centered. Where are Kat and I supposed to stay while we're there?
Why is everything that sounds yummy from Indonesia come with coconut milk?
Kat has asked me to link in some pictures from Peru, so here they
I now have access to the blog, bad things may happen.
I'm in Anaheim (if you couldn't figure that out from the title) for a Documentum conference. Last year it was in Las Vegas (woo!) this year it is in Anaheim (sounds of crickets). The only good thing is that I could take the motorcycle here instead of flying. One hour forty minutes of being on the bike and I find that I've stuff in my eye at 65mph (snuck under my full face helmet!) and loss of feeling in my hands. The benefit? I do love the smell of Southern California, and the ability to accelerate. By the way, for all of you thinking 'The smell of southern california?' you must come visit and get a good lungful when you get off the plan in San Diego.
Oh yeah, Disney Land is here ... and by here I mean three blocks away. I've been here three hours and if I see one more mickey mouse ballon, it's exceeded my kitch level for this year.
Good things about being in a hotel: Travel channel, and Adult Swim, and the joy of time shifting. Time shifting means that they play shows that usually end up at 1am EST at 10pm PST. Since I'm sitting in a hotel room very far away from anything interesting, I'm watching television. Isn't that what one does while doing business travel? Yes I could be checking my email and finding out the health of some of the systems I'm responsible for ... meh. The travel channel has grabbed my attention with travel to deep Indonesia and the islands of Java. I have to admit that some of the shots remind me of the cloud forest in Peru.
There was a chance of me heading off to Korea for work reasons, but that doesn't look like it is going to happen. I just found out that if I was to go I would need to do so in six days ... I'm not going to get a Visa in that short a time so it looks like it isn't going to happen. Brent (my immediate boss) has mentioned that I'll probably be able to sneak some travel in some time soon. I can wait.
A big hello out to Lincoln and Deb. They've arrived in London and they're getting all settled. Lincoln has met some VPs and Directors in Delloite and Touche. They've decided not to rent a more expensive flat near some green space because it is a little too expensive ... they're so self-centered. Where are Kat and I supposed to stay while we're there?
Why is everything that sounds yummy from Indonesia come with coconut milk?
Kat has asked me to link in some pictures from Peru, so here they
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Don't even say it. I know what you're thinking, and you're right. I agree wholeheartedly. Now that we've got that over with, let's move on...
I had a great visit in Ottawa and the Eastern Townships last month. The flight up was not great, despite my being cozily ensconced in buisniess class. You see, I have great difficulty sleeping on a plane, don't ask me why, though in this case, it may have had something to do with the snoring Japanese businessman beside me who reeked so badly of alchohol fumes, that I was glad that no one would be using a lighter onboard. *woosh!* I could picture it...
Anyway, Steph picked me up at the airport and I was only too happy to settle into the spare bedroom shortly after arrival to revive myself with a two-hour nap. Amazing what a few zzz's can do for one's mental alertness. Of course, I don't think Steph would have let me drive without it. ;)
It was nice to hang out for a few days, visiting and visiting, eating and visiting some more. There are babies galore and happy parents and granparents and me, the fabulous aunty. Heheh, I think I'll have cards made up. Everyone looked good and it was such a pleasure to be surrounded by friends and family again, if only for a short while.
I owe Steph a huge thanks *blows kisses* for the loan of the little Honda Civic ("it goes") to drive down East and all over Bolton Center, Mansonville, Stukely and beyond. It saved us a bundle of money and came with a book of CD's! "Blessed is the compact disc, for it shall deliver thee from the monotony of radio." On the way back to Ottawa, unfortunately, the weather was so terrible (BUCKETS of rain) that I could not spare the attention to change the disk for about two hours. As a result, Sarah McLaughlan's "Building a Mystery" album was etched into my brain for over a week after I got home. Poor Phillip was an innocent bystander and victim to my perpetual humming and did not go unscathed.
The flight back was much nicer, and it was good to come home to a husband (and a pooch) that missed me. Granted, Phillip was slightly less effusive in his greetings. He didn't try to lick my face even once. Scuttle was her usual self... "Oh. Were you away? I didn't notice."
The weather here has settled into a very pleasant string of days ranging in the mid to low 20's. Ahhhh! I must admit. The climate has grown on me, like a barnacle. No seriously, I remember when we first arrived saying "so what?!" about San Diego's fabled moderate temperatures, but now I gripe if it hovers too long near 30 or if I have to wear a sweater to go out at night. We're spoiled, I admit it. Still, that doesn't mean I don't miss the snow, but I think I've adopted Phillip's practical attitude; if we want, we can visit the snow.
Speaking of which, I don't know how many of you we've broken the news to, but after reviewing Phillip's time off schedule and our finances, we realize that we were hasty in our assertion that we would be visiting for Christmas this year, and for that, our apologies. As much as we'd both love to, it really isn't feasible this year. I'm bummed about this, for several reasons, as you might guess, but on the upside, we are going to be here for the cold months and throwing wide our doors to anyone who wishes to drop in for a visit. The only time we will be away will be a few days in December to go to Vegas for some shows, and then in March for Joan's birthday weekend in Florida. :) Looking forward to both!
Well, this has gone on long enough. I hope to hear back from you when you have a minute. Take care, be well!
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