Sloth has been my buddy for a while, it's one of my favourites. As people may know, I like beer. Beer=Yum. My lack of self control regarding consumption has always been balanced by my laziness. Many a time I've been sitting around and my mental process go something like this:
"Wow, I could really go for a beer/cookie/pie right now!"
"Hmm, I'd have get up / get dressed and go out to get it ... and it's blocks away."
"What is that friend Sloth? Yeah, you're right. I really don't want it that badly."
High-five to sloth. "You da sin baby!"
Unfortunately I have a corner store a block away, that is pretty close. They don't sell pies (thankfully!) but they do sell beer. The next bit is a bit geeky, you've been warned.
Back when I used to play Warcraft in a raiding guild the raids often started late and there were AFK (Away From Keyboard) times when we weren't doing anything. I started to drink beer while raiding. I attempted to use the beer drinking to motivate my fellow guild mates: the longer we wait the more beer I drink and a drunk healer means you die more often. That didn't seem to work. Then the bad moment arrived when I realized I could get to the corner store and back in the time it took for some people to go AFK and go to the bathroom.
My good buddy Sloth couldn't compete with that kind of access. Whenever I thought a beer would be nice I could get one. I often think a beer would be nice, you can all see this isn't good.
So with Sloth not pulling his weight, I've had to call upon Pride to step up. Beer=calories=belly. Pride seems to be holding up pretty well. Pride has staying power since it "... is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise." Wikipedia.
Yes, yes, I know there is a theory that I could only drink one but I don't have that sort of self control. Put a bunch of cookies in the house and they're gone. What I like, I consume. Essentially, that's Pride battling against Gluttony. I'm sure that would make a great grudge match, oh wait .. they've come close to doing that already.
Greed also dropped by last weekend to help me. We've been meaning to stack our washer drier to save some space in the garage. We've been meaning to do it for around four years, Sloth and I were hanging; "We'll get to it eventually". We also wanted to put a wash tub out there as well. Kat called up a plumbing place to come in and give us a quote on stacking the washer/dryer and installing a wash tub. Since they didn't know how hard it would be to install the drain for wash tub they gave us a price range: $600 - $1,000. Stacking the washer/dryer was $250 of that. Greed and I decided that was a ludicrous price and we weren't going to pay it. A tape measure and a phone call to a friend later, it was stacked.
Envy and I have never gotten along very well. Yes I'd like more stuff, oh, wait, I don't want more stuff. Yes that guy has a nicer car than me ... hmm, don't care about that either. Every time I covet something I realize I could probably get it if I worked hard enough / lied enough / saved enough /stepped on enough people and I'm too damn lazy for that. Envy isn't really that great a motivator.
I would work with Wrath but he's so demanding. Get angry about this, pissed off about that, rant, yell, scream. It's exhausting.
So Sloth, even though you let me down on the beer front you are still my BSF (Best Sin Forever)! What's that? You saw me with Lust? We were just getting a coffee and talking. I swear!