Soccer: Everton lost the FA cup today. I'm sad. Barcelona beat Man U in champions league earlier, so that makes me happy. They are all over-paid, but I find Man U's players (the new breed, not Scholes and Giggs) to be pouty prima donnas. If I was paid £122,400 a week I'd be all smiles, all the time. I'd also work for two years then buy a small house in the tropics, sponsor a theatre company, surf and mountain bike until I dropped dead from old age, but that's just me.
I've discovered a new (to me) site that allows watching of television shows streaming to your computer( www.hulu.com, sorry, it only works in the U.S.). This has allowed me to watch some shows that I'd heard of, but couldn't be bothered to sit in front of the T.V. at the correct time to watch.
That has always been the downside to television, they expect me to work my schedule around theirs, that will never happen. Now with the DVR and Hulu I can catch some of the entertainment when I want to, that is a far better proposition. So far I've been watching old episodes of Stargate SG-1 and Legend of the Seeker (based on a Terry Goodkind book! edit: had the wrong author name, oops) on Hulu and Reno 911 on the DVR.
I've always despised reality television, it's contrived and obviously very scripted. Reno 911 is shot to look like a reality t.v. show following a (very dysfunctional) police force around. In reality it is actors doing a whole lot of improvisation. It isn't, um, for everyone but there are some scenes of pure genius in it.
As some of you may know, I'm a big fan of computer games, and the last couple of years I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. Well, it finally bored me enough to quit, then my iMac died. I guess I worked the video card too hard and the ventilation wasn't good enough. One dead video card. Luckily the iMac I bought has a replaceable one, so rather than replace the entire logic board it will only be $400 for the video card and labour. Sigh.
Now that I have no games to play I have more time on my hands. I've mapped out new motorcycle rides, cleaned my old motorcycle, put a bunch of stuff on craiglist to sell, updated the blog, and done some gardening. It is freaking Kathleen out, mostly the gardening part.
I have been waging a war on some pigeons that have decided that the eaves in our house are a perfect place to gather, talk, raise children, and defecate. I take exception to all those
My chicken wire blockades have been extended along the gutters now and I think I've finally managed to overcome them. Check out the confused look on that avian rat. While we were in Paris we had some pigeon pate, not on purpose, the Parisian waiter insisted that we have it. It was excellent, like most food in Paris. Now when I look at those annoying things I think: a few pistachios and you're edible, just ask your cousin.