“There's a Dead Guy in the Restroom”

Christmas is fast approaching! We're both as excited as children, since we've decided to spoil each other a bit with gifts. My boss is even in on it; Phillip came into the coffee shop for a drink while I was working today and she took him aside to find out what my 'big' present was. The injustice of it all! She'll be gloating until Christmas.
We have plans to have friends over for dinner on the 25th, and the joy is that one of the guests will be providing the roast beast, so we're just responsible for hosting and the side dishes, which suits me fine. Christopher and Nancy will well remember the twenty-two pound monstrosity I prepared for our little four-person supper. Tasty.. but after five days, enough is enough.
I'd also like to decorate this year, since we'll actually be around to appreciate it. A live tree and a few lights here and there might be nice. I bought a pretty wreath for the door and it feels quite festive. Now I just have to dig out our stockings and the ornaments we've received over the last several years and finally put them to good use.
Okay, so you're probably wondering about the “Dead Guy in the Restroom” thing. True story. My store is known for being a bit rough around the edges at times. While the majority of our customers are everyday middle-class folk on their way to work, we DO have a fringe community of homeless, pimps, prostitutes and downright crazy people. We know a lot of them by name and most of them are fine, however, the result of our 'open door' policy means that occasionally, we're cleaning up nasty messes in the washroom or swearing about stolen tips.
The pièce de résistance came two nights ago, with two experienced partners finishing the last shift of the night. The place was unusually busy and at some point, it was noted that the men's restroom had been occupied for well over half an hour. Since it takes a lot of running around for two people to serve a full store of customers, it was not investigated until nearly closing – when everything must be cleaned to Starbucks exacting standards.
The door was still locked and there was no response to knocks or requests of concern. Finally, one of the partners used a tool to pop the lock, and when the door was opened, they both froze in shock. The sight that greeted them was described as “a dead guy, face down in a Jackson Pollock of his own shit, piss and vomit”. There was a moment's stunned hesitation before he was checked for signs of life (no breath) and 911 was called. The ambulance arrived very speedily with several EMT's. They left behind a plastic bag full of his soiled clothing and messy footprints out the door. The partners stayed late to clean up and fill out an “Incident Report”. The icing on the cake; at almost the same time the first ambulance was summoned, a second call to 911 was rung for one our regulars, homeless Victor, having what looked like a heart-attack on the patio! The second ambulance was close on the tail of the first.
I haven't heard any news about the Dead Guy and can only hope he was helped. We'll likely never know, since no one knew him (he wasn't a regular) and the paramedics and medical staff won't release information to anyone non-related. Victor, happily, was fine and returned today for his usual small coffee. I think I'll give him a warm scarf for christmas.
After that drama, my recent performance in “Walls” seems so minor. Nonetheless, it was a great success. Only two performances, sadly, but both nights were full, with positive reviews and feedback. I've joined the Lotus Theatre Collective, who produced the show, and plan to help develop a new mask workshop in the spring. Right now, everyone is recovering from the frenzy of the first show and hunkering down for the Christmas frenzy. We've plans to meet and brainstorm in January. More updates then...
Phillip and I have both been very busy; Phil with a good deal of overtime and I with work and theatre and illness. Nothing too serious; a bladder infection, easily treated with antibiotics, and then a nasty cold, thanks to one of the other actors who liked to share. I'll be working the day after Christmas, opening the store (ugh, 4am is going to feel way too early), but we both have a bit of time off before the big day. We plan to rest, relax and enjoy the season. By the way, it's been positively nippy here the last few days, which delights me, since it feels so appropriate and justifies turning on our little gas fireplace for cozy snuggles with the pooch in the evenings.
I hope you are all having an equally happy season. We wish all our loved ones a safe, healthy and joyful season and hope to hear from you soon. Take care,
K & P